I install most of the apps using Homebrew and Cask. Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to OSX applications and large binaries alike.
For Work
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Photoshop
- Git
> brew install git - Visual Studio Code
> brew cask install visual-studio-code - Local by Flywheel
- Insomnia
> brew cask install insomnia - Figma
> brew cask install figma - NodeJS + NPM
> brew install nvm
> nvm install 10.15.3 (or any other version) - MongoDB
> brew install mongodb - NoSQLBooster for MongoDB
- Inconsolata Font
> brew cask install font-inconsolata - Fire Code (this one is nice)
- Optimize PNGs from the command-line
> brew install pngquant
To make sure Time Machine doesn’t back up all the node_modules and such files: https://github.com/stevegrunwell/asimov. We can use TimeMachineEditor:
> brew cask install timemachineeditor
BackBlaze. Works awesome, but the same as for Time Machine, manual exclusions are required.
<!-- Exclude node_modules. --> <excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/node_modules/" contains_2="*" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" /> <!-- Exclude .svn --> <excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/Coding/" contains_2="/.git/" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" /> <!-- Exclude .git --> <excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/Coding/" contains_2="/.git/" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" />
Study, Entertainment
- Spotify
> brew cask install spotify - VLC
- > brew cask install vlc
- Kindle
- FlashCard Hero Lite
- Install Brew
- Install Visual Studio Code: brew cask install visual-studio-code
- Install Oh My Zsh
- Set up the .zshrc for nicer colors
- Install Python: brew install python
- Install NodeJS: brew install nodejs
- Install Local (Flywheel)
To automatically create a console.log with the content of the clipboard, add this in the keybindings.json:
"key": "shift+cmd+l",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {
"snippet": "console.log('Debug', ${CLIPBOARD}$1);"